Salt, Sun and Time

Ogni stagione ha i suoi dischi.

Settembre porta con sé una vena di dolce malinconia, come questo splendido album di Bruce Cockburn del 1974.

Difficile credere che un canadese possa conoscere di sale e di sole.

Ma provate a chiudere gli occhi ed a sognare Tutti i diamanti al mondo:

All the diamonds in this world
That mean anything to me
Are conjured up by wind and sunlight
Sparkling on the sea

I ran aground in a harbour town
Lost the taste for being free
Thank God He sent some gull-chased ship
To carry me to sea

Two thousand years and half a world away
Dying trees still grow greener when you pray

Silver scales flash bright and fade
In reeds along the shore
Like a pearl in sea of liquid jade
His ship comes shining
Like a crystal swan in a sky of suns
His ship comes shining

Oppure, a lasciarvi cullare dall'incedere ondeggiante della title-track, per poi perdervi nelle atmosfere eteree di Never So Free o nelle assenze di Stained Glass:

Small windows
Looking outward
Show me a sequined sky
Rubies shine in my glass of wine

Dusk breezes
On oiled water
Paint a pointillist facade
It's ceaselessly shifting world

Like today I'm far away
I see your face behind each time-blurred pane

Strings vibrate
Music leaps out
In a shimmering intrigue
Words unsaid whirl away like dust

From the sidewalk-sweeper's broom
Across a fold in space you touch my hand

Un disco per chi sa ancora sognare.




  1. Ciao Max,

    bella idea, quella del blog.
    Attendo ansioso succosi post.

    A presto.



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